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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu sci.space:51996 news.answers:4382
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- From: leech@mahler.cs.unc.edu (Jon Leech)
- Newsgroups: sci.space,news.answers
- Subject: Space FAQ 13/15 - Interest Groups & Publications
- Keywords: Frequently Asked Questions
- Message-ID: <groups_723318280@cs.unc.edu>
- Date: 2 Dec 92 17:44:45 GMT
- Expires: 6 Jan 93 17:44:40 GMT
- References: <diffs_723318039@cs.unc.edu>
- Sender: news@cs.unc.edu
- Followup-To: poster
- Organization: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Lines: 251
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- Archive-name: space/groups
- Last-modified: $Date: 92/12/02 12:34:38 $
- AMSAT - develops small satellites (since the 1960s) for a variety of
- uses by amateur radio enthusiasts. Has various publications,
- supplies QuickTrak satellite tracking software for PC/Mac/Amiga etc.
- Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT)
- P.O. Box 27
- Washington, DC 20044
- (301)-589-6062
- ASERA - Australian Space Engineering and Research Association. An
- Australian non-profit organisation to coordinate, promote, and
- conduct space R&D projects in Australia, involving both Australian
- and international (primarily university) collaborators. Activities
- include the development of sounding rockets, small satellites
- (especially microsatellites), high-altitude research balloons, and
- appropriate payloads. Provides student projects at all levels, and
- is open to any person or organisation interested in participating.
- Publishes a monthly newsletter and a quarterly technical journal.
- Membership $A100 (dual subscription)
- Subscriptions $A25 (newsletter only) $A50 (journal only)
- PO Box 184
- Ryde, NSW, Australia, 2112
- email: lindley@syd.dit.csiro.au
- BIS - British Interplanetary Society. Probably the oldest pro-space
- group, BIS publishes two excellent journals: _Spaceflight_, covering
- current space activities, and the _Journal of the BIS_, containing
- technical papers on space activities from near-term space probes to
- interstellar missions. BIS has published a design study for an
- interstellar probe called _Daedalus_.
- British Interplanetary Society
- 27/29 South Lambeth Road
- London SW8 1SZ
- No dues information available at present.
- L-5 Society (defunct). Founded by Keith and Carolyn Henson in 1975 to
- advocate space colonization. Its major success was in preventing US
- participation in the UN "Moon Treaty" in the late 1970s. Merged with
- the National Space Institute in 1987, forming the National Space
- Society.
- NSS - the National Space Society. NSS is a pro-space group distinguished
- by its network of local chapters. Supports a general agenda of space
- development and man-in-space, including the NASA space station.
- Publishes _Ad Astra_, a monthly glossy magazine, and runs Shuttle
- launch tours, Dial-A-Shuttle and Space Hotline telephone services. A
- major sponsor of the annual space development conference. Associated
- with Spacecause and Spacepac, political lobbying organizations.
- Membership $18 (youth/senior) $35 (regular).
- National Space Society
- Membership Department
- 922 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.
- Washington, DC 20003-2140
- (202)-543-1900
- Planetary Society - founded by Carl Sagan. The largest space advocacy
- group. Publishes _Planetary Report_, a monthly glossy, and has
- supported SETI hardware development financially. Agenda is primarily
- support of space science, recently amended to include an
- international manned mission to Mars.
- The Planetary Society
- 65 North Catalina Avenue
- Pasadena, California 91106
- Membership $35/year.
- SSI - the Space Studies Institute, founded by Dr. Gerard O'Neill.
- Publishes _SSI Update_, a bimonthly newsletter describing
- work-in-progress. Conducts a research program including
- mass-drivers, lunar mining processes and simulants, composites from
- lunar materials, solar power satellites. Runs the biennial Princeton
- Conference on Space Manufacturing. Developing a Lunar Polar Probe
- for 1992 launch to geochemically map the entire moon and search for
- volatiles which may be frozen at the poles.
- Membership $25/year. Senior Associates ($100/year and up) fund most
- SSI research.
- Space Studies Institute
- 258 Rosedale Road
- PO Box 82
- Princeton, NJ 08540
- SEDS - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space. Founded in
- 1980 at MIT and Princeton. SEDS is a chapter-based pro-space
- organization at high schools and universities around the world.
- Entirely student run. Each chapter is independent and coordinates
- its own local activities. Nationally, SEDS runs a scholarship
- competition, design contests, and holds an annual international
- conference and meeting in late summer.
- Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
- MIT Room W20-445
- 77 Massachusetts Avenue
- Cambridge, MA 02139
- (617) 253-8897
- email: odyssey@athena.mit.edu
- Dues determined by local chapter.
- SPACECAUSE - A political lobbying organization and part of the NSS
- Family of Organizations. Publishes a bi-monthly newsletter,
- Spacecause News. Annual dues is $25. Members also receive a discount
- on _The Space Activist's Handbook_. Activities to support pro-space
- legislation include meeting with political leaders and interacting
- with legislative staff. Spacecause primarily operates in the
- legislative process.
- National Office West Coast Office
- Spacecause Spacecause
- 922 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E. 3435 Ocean Park Blvd.
- Washington, D.C. 20003 Suite 201-S
- (202)543-1900 Santa Monica, CA 90405
- SPACEPAC - A political action committee and part of the NSS Family of
- Organizations. Spacepac researches issues, policies, and candidates.
- Each year, updates _The Space Activist's Handbook_. Current Handbook
- price is $25. While Spacepac does not have a membership, it does
- have regional contacts to coordinate local activity. Spacepac
- primarily operates in the election process, contributing money and
- volunteers to pro-space candidates.
- Spacepac
- 922 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E.
- Washington, D.C. 20003
- (202)543-1900
- UNITED STATES SPACE FOUNDATION - a public, non-profit organization
- supported by member donations and dedicated to promoting
- international education, understanding and support of space. The
- group hosts an annual conference for teachers and others interested
- in education. Other projects include developing lesson plans that
- use space to teach other basic skills such as reading. Publishes
- "Spacewatch," a monthly B&W glossy magazine of USSF events and
- general space news. Annual dues:
- Charter $50 ($100 first year)
- Individual $35
- Teacher $29
- College student $20
- HS/Jr. High $10
- Elementary $5
- Founder & $1000+
- Life Member
- United States Space Foundation
- P.O. Box 1838
- Colorado Springs, CO 80901
- (719) 550-1000
- Air & Space / Smithsonian (bimonthly magazine)
- Box 53261
- Boulder, CO 80332-3261
- $18/year US, $24/year international
- Final Frontier (mass-market bimonthly magazine) - history, book reviews,
- general-interest articles (e.g. "The 7 Wonders of the Solar System",
- "Everything you always wanted to know about military space
- programs", etc.)
- Final Frontier Publishing Co.
- PO Box 534
- Mt. Morris, IL 61054-7852
- $14.95/year US, $19.95 Canada, $23.95 elsewhere
- Space News (weekly magazine) - covers US civil and military space
- programs. Said to have good political and business but spotty
- technical coverage.
- Space News
- Springfield VA 22159-0500
- 703-642-7330
- $75/year, may have discounts for NSS/SSI members
- Space Flight News (monthly magazine) - covers current space activities
- (all nations) in depth and has good historical series on topics like
- early space capsules, cosmonauts, etc. Available by newsstand in the
- US (with several months shipping delay), only by mail elsewhere.
- Subscription Dept.
- Space Flight News Ltd.
- PO Box 100
- Stamford, Lincs, PE9IXQ
- #16.20 pounds/year UK and international (surface)
- airmail: #25/year (Europe) #26 (Middle East) #29 (North America) #31
- (Australia, NZ, Japan)
- Journal of the Astronautical Sciences and Space Times - publications of
- the American Astronautical Society. No details.
- AAS Business Office
- 6352 Rolling Mill Place, Suite #102
- Springfield, Va. 22152
- 703-866-0020
- GPS World (semi-monthly) - reports on current and new uses of GPS, news
- and analysis of the system and policies affecting it, and technical
- and product issues shaping GPS applications.
- GPS World
- 859 Willamette St.
- P.O. Box 10460
- Eugene, OR 97440-2460
- 503-343-1200
- Free to qualified individuals; write for free sample copy.
- Planetary Encounter - in-depth technical coverage of planetary missions,
- with diagrams, lists of experiments, interviews with people directly
- involved.
- World Spaceflight News - in-depth technical coverage of near-Earth
- spaceflight. Mostly covers the shuttle: payload manifests, activity
- schedules, and post-mission assessment reports for every mission.
- Box 98
- Sewell, NJ 08080
- $30/year US/Canada
- $45/year elsewhere
- Anyone who would care to write up descriptions of the following
- groups (or others not mentioned) for inclusion in the answer is
- encouraged to do so.
- AAS - American Astronautical Society
- AIAA - American Institute of Astronautics & Aeronautics
- World Space Foundation
- Other groups not mentioned above
- NEXT: FAQ #14/15 - How to become an astronaut